Use lip retractor to retract patient’s lips (Sometimes helper may be needed to retract lips)
Identify closest shade tab(s) to patient’s teeth (It could be multiple shade tabs)
Photo 1: Bite registration
Ensure patient is biting down accurately
Photo 2: Photo of teeth, shade tab(s) with gum line
Upper and lower teeth should be finger width apart
Take photo(s) with multiple shade tabs if necessary
Shade tab(s) should be placed on the same plane as the teeth
Shade tab(s) should be next to tooth of shade being taken
Make sure shade tab number is visible in the photo(s)
Photo 3: Zoom in on photo of teeth and shade tab(s)
Not necessary to show gum and shade tab number
Make sure sequence of shade tab(s) are same as previous photo
Photo 4: Photo of shade tab(s) only
Make sure sequence of shade tab(s) are same as previous photo
Make sure shade tab number is clear and visible