Anatomical Landmarks of Edentulous Jaws
Indicating the areas to capture when taking an edentulous impression
Maxilla Arch
Vibrating Line (junction of hard & soft palate)
Posterolateral of Residual Alveolar Ridge
Buccal Sulcus
Palatine Raphe
Labial Sulcus
Incisive Papilla
Labial Frenum
Rugae Area
Buccal Frenum
Crest of Alveolar Ridge
Posterior Palate
Hamular Notch
Fovea Palatinae
Mandibular Arch
Retromolar pads
Buccal Shelf
Alveololingual Sulcus
Buccal Frenum
Torus Mandibularis
Genial Tubercle
Labial Frenum
Labial Sulcus
Lingual Frenum
Mental Foramen
Buccal Sulcus
Mylohyoid Ridge
Residual Alveolar Ridge